Sweet Pea Doesn't Like Sweet Peas

Hudson Laughing at Molly

Back from a Break

Wow...It has been a long time since I've posted, but our lives have remained rather uneventful, at least in our little world. My sister, however, injured her back early this month and was in the hospital for a few days. All the tests revealed nothing, but her injury was significant, as at first she couldn't even walk. However, Jenny is slowly improving and should be back to work after Thanksgiving week. Please keep her in your prayers.

Hudson continues to grow and just gets sweeter every day. He is about to be able to sit up on his own and is starting to develop a little personality. He's still a very easy going and laid back baby...Chris and I still aren't sure where that personality trait came from. Maybe like in math where two negatives equal a positive, two Type A personalities can produce a Type B. I'm afraid what baby No. 2 might be like since I did get the "I hope you have a child just like you some day" curse, and Hudson is nothing like me or how I was as a baby.

We now have chickens plus a turkey hen. We do not have a bantam rooster, a bantam hen or a tom (male turkey). The little bantam rooster disappeared, the bantam hen was the victim of a chicken hawk and the tom (along with a few chickens) were given to Chris's friend, Adam. Adam was supposed to take the turkey hen as well, but she prooves to be quite the elusive bird to catch. Chris has a few scratches across his cheek to testify to that! Every evening Chris goes out to feed his chickens, let them out and collect the eggs, and they're laying about seven eggs a day! The best news is we don't have goats, which were going to accompany the chickens, but Chris (thank goodness) decided just to get rid of them on Craigslist. So, if you're in the market for goats, I can cut you a heck of a deal (free!).

That is about it for now. If I don't post again withing the week, happy Thanksgiving from our family.


Well, Halloween just wasn't meant to be this year. I guess Hudson's ill-fitting costume was a bad omen. After spending two hours on Thursday night working on my field mouse costume to accompany my department's "farm theme" (I even did some sewing!), I woke up at 4 a.m. Friday morning with the stomach bug that has been going around. After my pregnancy I was used to going to work while puking, but I figured this kind was probably contagious and ended up staying home. Chris stayed home as well and looked after little Hudson, and them both of them ended up going to Bristow Friday night, giving me some much needed rest...I slept from 10 p.m. to noon the next day! I woke up Saturday morning feeling much better. Hudson, as you can see in the pic above, still got all dressed up in his Halloween gear to go to his Nana and Papa's. He his hat and booties featured bats, and his shirt said "This is my Halloween costume."