Blog Revival

We got a horse! Ha! Just kidding. Chris and Hudson rode Juan's horse to the house for me to take a pic. Juan is a neighbor up the road, and Hudson loves to visit him because he has horses and he gives Hudson red pop. So, Hudson returns home dirty and stained, but a very happy little boy! Juan calls Hudson the "little boss." Sounds about right.

Hudson at dinner following a day of hard partying at home for his big TWO birthday party. He hadn't fallen asleep in his high chair since he was a little baby.

Too bad Hudson's best birthday party ever will be when he turned two! Some friends of ours let us borrow their two huge water slides/pools. We added another mini pool, and had Hudson's trampoline set up for the party. The kiddos had a blast. (L - R are Jennah, Joel and Jackson of the Hendricks (i.e. Antrikin) clan, Aspen (a friend's daughter), Hudson and cousin Riley (Ry Ry).

Chris fishing Hudson's precious pacifier (Passy) of Lake Taneycomo on Branson Landing. Of course Hudson threw it in, but we weren't about to watch our only chance at a good night's sleep and a peaceful drive home just float on by. We have since broken Hudson of the Passy after the Passy broke (or perhaps mom cut the end off?). The dread of breaking his Passy habit was much worse than the actual event. He took it rather well.

Chris and I wrestling a busy Hudson on Branson Landing as we waited for the water and fire show. Oh, and check out my hair! Now that was interesting. We stayed the night at a friend's house the night before we left for Branson, and he had some shampoo in his bathroom that I hadn't used before. I noticed my hair felt really heavy and kind of greasy when I was trying to blow it dry, so I looked at the shampoo bottle. It was Pantene, but it said, "For Women of Color," and it was meant to relax hair. I washed my hair twice more with regular shampoo, and I still could not get that greasy feeling out, hence the weird flat 'do I'm sporting above. I washed it three more times the next morning in the hotel, and finally got most of the "old" shampoo out. Not all shampoos are alike!

Chris and Hudson on Branson Landing.

Hudson Update
I feel like a terrible mother! I cannot believe I haven't updated this blog in nearly six months! There's no point in trying to catch up over the past several months, but I there are things I want to "write" down, so I don't forget them. A few things I want to remember about my two-year-old Hudson 20 years from now:

- How he replaces his "l's" with "w's." A few examples...I wuv (love) you. I want my wovie (lovie). I don't wike (like) it. It's so funny when he eats something he dislikes. He goes, "Uhhh! I don't wike it!"

- The other night we were playing hide and seek, and Hudson was hiding under a blanket on Chris's lap, and Chris was laying on the couch. After counting, I exclaimed, "Where's Hudson? Is he behind the TV? A sweet little voice from under the blanket said, "Noooo..." He kept doing that every time I'd ask if he was hiding somewhere. Chris and I couldn't stop laughing.

- How we change the words from "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" when he swings to "Swing high, sweet Hudson boy. He's my favorite little guy." He'll sometimes join me and sing, "Swing highhhh...boyyyyy...guy!" It's very sweet.

- How social he is and how he loves being around other kids his age. When other little kids come over he looks so proud, like, "Look mom! They like my toys!"

- How he flies around inside the trampoline (his birthday present) like a mini WWF wrestler. Thank goodness for that net! I cannot believe when I was a kid that most trampolines didn't have nets. It has saved us from making numerous trips to the ER, I'm sure.
- How he is OBSESSED with lawn mowers and tractors. I've taught him the different tractor names, so now when I ask, "What kind of tractor does Daddy have?," he'll say, "Ford!" Then I'll ask, "What kind of tractor does Papa have?," and he'll say, "Massey!" Then I'll ask, "What kind of tractor do you like?," and he'll say, "John Deere!" Too cute.

He's Got Moves

Catching Up

I'm waaaay too behind on blogging to bother typing any sort of update, so I think I'll just post some recent pics of the little guy. All in all, life is good.

Thanksgiving Day. Look at that long curly hair! Now I know why I didn't want to cut it.
He still looks like a chubby baby.

It is hard to believe four out of the five cousins on my mom's side all have kiddos. From L - R: Jacksen, Riley, the-always-camera-ready Jennah, Fischer, Joel and Hudson

You can only look so macho decked out in camo when you're holding a light blue binkie.

Christmas Eve at home checking out his new Little People farm set

Christmas Morning. He can scale this director's chair like it's nothing. See how proud he is?

Finally pooped out later on Christmas Day. This NEVER happens.

Cuddling with his cousin "Ry Ry" the day after Christmas

Playing with his new train table from Santa
(and wearing his conductor's gear from cousin Ry Ry)