A Quick Update

I'm being slowly sucked into the phenomena know as social networking. I now have a Facebook page. Now there's six words I didn't think I'd ever say. However, since my cousin and his wife are missionaries in Honduras, I thought it would be the Christian thing to do to get my own Facebook page so I could read their updates. I'm proud to announce I now have 13 friends. Don't laugh. I think that's a pretty good start. And if you have a Facebook page you'll have to ask me to be your friend because I don't like asking people to be my friend. I'm afraid of rejection. Seriously! Well, anyway it's been so long since my last blog post I thought I would give updates bullet-style since I cannot just ramble on without writing in semi-proper grammar, which is just too darn time consuming and tiring at 1o:30 at night!

So, what has happened since Dec. 1 with our little family?
  • I now have 13 friends on Facebook.
  • Hudson has cut two teeth! The first one on Dec. 6 and the second one on Dec. 9. The only reason I'm including those details is because I haven't written it down anywhere and if I don't do so soon I'll forget (like the date he first rolled over, his first smile, etc. I know, I know...I'm a terrible mom!).
  • My sister re-injured her back, was back in the hospital and is now home recuperating again. Still no word on the cause. All tests have come back clear, which is both good and frustrating. Please keep her in your prayers.
  • We have eggs coming out the wazoo! So, if you want eggs, bring or mail me your empty egg cartons and I will return them full of real eggs from real live chickens. (And there's a whole bunch more words I never thought I'd say.)
  • I just made a breakfast casserole with five eggs. Five down. Fifty more to go.
  • We celebrated our first Christmas with Hudson. So fun!
  • We had our first Christmas that featured a gunshot wound and a trip to the ER. Now that's sure to get some comments! (Our guest and gunshot victim (the same person) will be fine; it was just his index finger that was injured while he was shooting a revolver, and he'll have "minor" surgery on Friday. Please keep him in your prayers for a smooth surgery and speedy recovery. Really.)

I think that is it for now. Chris is bugging me to go to bed so I'll wrap it up. If I think of anything else exciting I'll let you know. And Nana, I promise my next post will be all Hudson pics and video. And a happy new year to my loyal readers and last but not least, my 13 Facebook friends.

"When you get to the gates of heaven...

...it won't matter whether your towels were folded."

I'm really liking that saying I heard on Focus on the Family more and more every day. I used to keep my house quite spotless, and when I fell behind I would stay up until midnight or later to get caught up. Now I when I have a quiet moment to myself like now (Hudson is in bed and Chris is snoozing on the couch), I just can't hardly get motivated to get up and do anything! Oh, my house isn't dirty. I mopped the kitchen and did all my laundry and cleaned the bathroom this weekend. Its the picking up that's the killer. I just can't get the whole house picked up at once. All my Christmas decorations are sitting in boxes in the kitchen. Instead of forcing myself to stay up late picking up, I think I'll try a new tactic of going to bed early and getting up early to do some housework. I'm going to bed at nine tonight, and, my goal is to be up by 6 a.m. in the morning. I'll let you know how it goes. Hopefully posting it here will give me some accountability. We'll see.