"When you get to the gates of heaven...

...it won't matter whether your towels were folded."

I'm really liking that saying I heard on Focus on the Family more and more every day. I used to keep my house quite spotless, and when I fell behind I would stay up until midnight or later to get caught up. Now I when I have a quiet moment to myself like now (Hudson is in bed and Chris is snoozing on the couch), I just can't hardly get motivated to get up and do anything! Oh, my house isn't dirty. I mopped the kitchen and did all my laundry and cleaned the bathroom this weekend. Its the picking up that's the killer. I just can't get the whole house picked up at once. All my Christmas decorations are sitting in boxes in the kitchen. Instead of forcing myself to stay up late picking up, I think I'll try a new tactic of going to bed early and getting up early to do some housework. I'm going to bed at nine tonight, and, my goal is to be up by 6 a.m. in the morning. I'll let you know how it goes. Hopefully posting it here will give me some accountability. We'll see.


jessica said...

Okay, sorry but no accountablity from me. I'm glad you finally see things my way. The house can always wait! Enjoy your alone time.

jessica said...

So, I will hold you accountable for blogging regularly. I need new pics. of that baby boy! He must be doing something cute these days.

jessica said...

A little less cleaning and a lot more blogging, PLEASE!