Yes, This is Still Me

But this template is so not me. I was getting annoyed with my old one because the white text was hard to read. And I liked this one until I noticed the two funky chicks at the top. Now, the template is called Funky Chicks, but I didn't realize it actually featured Funky Chicks on it. Somehow they were camouflaged amid the cute green flowers and swirls. And what are they doing anyway? Is the one in the back picking a piece of lint off the girl's elbow in front? And what are they, like seven feet tall? Size Zero?

This is definitely not the template of a mom who is getting "computer hips" and spent the day working in stretch pants and an Old Navy t-shirt. I am definitely not a Funky Chick. But I am too lazy to change my template tonight. So, until then, enjoy. Imagine this blog is managed by some hip, young early-twenty something who drinks fashionable...well, whatever the heck it is hip young people are drinking these days. I think I'll go have some diluted Juicy Juice.


(PS - I learned on the radio this morning that is text speak for "Ciao Baby." But I'm sure you already knew that.)


Summer said...

Ha, ha. Well I must say I'd like a booty like one of your "funky chicks." Maybe I should change my template too and hope it rubs off! :)

Julie said...

I'd give you part of mine if I could! Ha!