Musings at Midnight

Rumor has it that my only loyal blog reader, my cousin Jessica, has limited Internet access (when visiting her parents) and may get Internet soon again in her new house, so I suppose I'd better give Jessie something to look forward to when she logs onto the Internet (i.e. my updated blog). If it wasn't for Jessie and my inability to quit stuff, I would probably turn off this blog altogether. Chris and I manage to stay very, very busy, but I'm not sure the majority of our activities are blog-worthy. Actually, I'm sure they aren't.

However, when one hasn't blogged for three months, surely there are a few things to write about, right? Well, as you can see this blog is a last-resort activity. It's currently 11:39 at night, and I drank a lot of Diet Coke at our Connections Group tonight; consequently, my body is tired, but my mind is wide awake. I even already checked my work e-mail. Yes, I'm that desperate for a time-killing activity in hopes of winding my brain down.

Sooo, the question you're dying to ask...What have the Claggetts been up to in the last three months? Here's a brief run-down of the high points:

- Joined the Edmond Christian Church (instruments and all!). We love it there.
- Graduated (Julie) with a masters in education. Brilliant idea to earn a graduate degree in a field where if I entered it, I'd take a pay cut (and not because I make a ton of money). The bright side is my boss sleeps well at night knowing I'm probably not going anywhere.
- Rocked half-way up our house and a portion of the inside for a wood-burning stove (took about the same amount of time it took us to build our entire house - and we hired help!).
- Gained a cousin-in-law (is there such a person?) in Mrs. Rachel Antrikin - wife of my cousin William. I don't think I've ever seen a couple so perfect for each other. We had a blast at their "destination wedding" at the-middle-of-nowhere Texas. It was beautiful.
- Gained an absolutely beautiful new niece, Little Miss Riley Paige, via my sister and her husband, Jenny and Alan. Riley is already proving herself to be quite the little prima donna. That's my kinda gal.

No more school. A fabulous wedding. Home improvements. A wonderful church. A precious new niece. Yes, I would say perhaps we have had a lot to blog about - and a lot to be thankful for - after all.

I'm getting a little sleepy now, and if I go to sleep in the next three minutes, I'll get exactly 5 1/2 hours sleep before the alarm starts buzzing. Make that two minutes. Thanks for listening. Or reading. Good night.


jessica said...

I'm back in the blogging world now and expect you to be also. It was great to see you Saturday. I can't wait to see your house.

jessica said...

Hello! No update yet! Come on I check this thing twice a day (sometimes more) give me something new. I want to see a picture of your house with the rock on it, and your yard.

jessica said...

Annie, are you there? Come on I am going to give up on you soon.

jessica said...

Tag! Go to my blog to get the details. If you even still check this blog.