9 Months Old

Hudson will be nine months old tomorrow. I haven't done a good job of recording milestones in his baby book; I've decided this blog will do just fine.
Poor little guy is having a rough week. I took him to the doctor on Wednesday and he still had his ear infection that was diagnosed/prescribed antibiotics two weeks ago tomorrow, so now we're on another round of antibiotics. This makes him a pooping machine, so now his poor little behind is red and irritated, making him irritable (which is very unlike Hudson). On top of that, he's teething. He just cut his third tooth - his top left lateral incisor (thank you, google).

As you can see in the video below, he's crawling everywhere. Of course he decided to do that while I was in Dallas last week. Oh well. That is a risk I run by working part-time and traveling occasionally. It was no less exciting for me to see him crawl for the first time. Chris did great all alone with him, and now Hudson even seems like he's just as content with Chris as me (for the time being) which is nice.

So, what's going on in this little nine month old's world? He enjoys exploring his ever-expanding world, reading his open-flap books (courtesy of Nana), babbling, watching other kids, watching Molly, and baths. He doesn't care too much for being put down for naps (now that he can sit up and crawl around his crib he fights sleep), diaper changes, laying still while I get him ready in the morning, or helium balloons (his baby sitter got him a giant red heart-shaped balloon for Valentine's Day and it kinda freaks him out).

He babbles dadada and gogogo (as in Go, Dog, Go) and only says mamama when he's tired or upset or wants to be rescued from his crib. He's getting the waving thing down, but when he isn't sure what to do with his hands, he starts clapping, like "Well, I'm can't quite do that, but I can clap really good!" It's so funny.

I cannot believe he's nine months old. He used to fit in the crook of my arm. Now he sprawls out across my lap. He used to love to be rocked to sleep. Now he'll hardly lay his head on my shoulder for five seconds. One day it seemed as if all I did was feed and rock him. Now he takes his food in a high chair and he won't sit still long enough to be rocked. Everyone says they grow up so fast, but like everything else pertaining to parenthood, you just don't understand it until you experience it for yourself.


jessica said...

I can't believe it's been 9 months! He's getting so big.