The Power of the To Do List

I've always procrastinated when it comes to getting all the annoying "stuff" done in life. You know, that kind of stuff that needs to get done, but my world won't fall apart if it doesn't, so it really doesn't have to be done. Not right now, anyway.
Well, since Hudson came along I've taken procrastination to a whole different level. What better excuse is there to put off getting life insurance or updating the church nursery schedule than the fact that I'm taking care of a baby all day?
Finally, something had to be done (or get done) so I created a to do list, which I usually only resort to in desperate situations such as when I'm about to leave town for a week or have 100 things left to do at work before the annual conference (and now only half the time to do them in). I created the list on Monday, and so far I've made progress on every single item!
- I've applied for life insurance for both Chris and me (We haven't had it since I returned to work part time, and every single day Chris does something that reminds me that he really needs life insurance...For a guy who earned his bachelor's in Industrial Safety he's about the most un-safe guy I've ever met. Did I mention the last time we rented a backhoe he managed to break it in about 30 minutes?)
- I'm already working on the April - June church nursery schedule. This one's a biggie because if I procrastinate, guess who gets to work nursery in all the open shifts??? Been there done that.
- I've called the new members at church to welcome them and see if they have any questions. (I'm part of the "new membership team" but have - I'm embarrassed to say - called people nearly two months or more after they've joined.)
- I've worked on a plan to solicit sponsors for upcoming PRSA-OKC (Public Relations Society of America) meetings. This is one of those projects where I ask myself why, oh why do I volunteer to do stuff? I'm helping out on the sponsorship committee. I hate, hate, hate asking people or organizations for money. Especially in this economy! This is why I don't think I can ever work for a non-profit that has to raise funds to operate. But, I did tell the president I would be happy to help out where I'm needed except for planning the annual awards banquet. I forgot to say except for sponsorships too. Oh well.
- After six months of not having but paying for CallNotes (which quit working why?), I e-mailed ATT to get the temporary password to set up the voicemail box. Funny thing is you can still leave a voicemail even though I cannot access them. So if I haven't returned your call...
It feels so good to check things off my list! I guess putting it in writing makes me more accountable to the fact that it gets done.
In other unrelated but very notable news...
Hudson had his 9 month check up today. No shots. Yay! He's in the 89% percentile in height. Double yay! His ear infection has finally cleared up. Yee haw! But the little stinker is not drinking like he should! He stays hydrated, but he's supposed to have about 36 ozs. of fluids per day, and I'll be he drinks about 24 or so. I guess I'll stop complaining that he's waking up again in the middle of the night. At least he does drink 5 - 6 ozs., and at this rate, I'll take whatever I can get.
Author's Note: I realize there is no spacing between paragraphs in this post. I don't know what's going on, but Blogger is seriously going wonky with my formatting. I'm not sure what to do, but it's driving me crazy! Sorry about the annoying layout.


jessica said...

I'm so offended by the poor layout! I don't know if I can read your blog any more:) Don't read my blog if your worried about proper English. I've never had it and don't think I ever will. I don't even try any more, and it's been kind of liberating. You should try it! Go a little crazy!