Life Just Got Messy(er)

If my I had a bumper sticker to sum up today (and it's only 3:10 p.m.) it would by the infamous "---- Happens." Literally. To be more specific, "---- Happens in Wal-Mart." I would imagine a lot of people could relate to that bumper sticker in more ways than one.

It started out as a good day. Hudson mostly slept until 8:30 a.m., and then I met a friend at a park in Edmond to walk (she too has a four month old little boy). I kept checking Hudson's diaper because I knew he usually had a BM in the morning, but it was clean.

After our walk, I headed to Wal-Mart to buy the week's worth of groceries. Everything was going so smooth! Too smooth I guess. Hudson wasn't even fussing about being in his car seat. Then, I heard a noise and looked down and Hudson's face was bright red! Then, I looked lower, and there by his little chunky thighs was a big (and growing) oozing pile of green baby poop! It was flowing out of his diaper like lava out of a volcano.

I B-lined it to the bathroom, but I didn't even know where to begin. This was one time I wasn't too concerned about laying him on the community changing table because I knew it was a lot cleaner than he was! There was poop on his socks, all over his car seat, on his clothes and even on my car keys that I so smartly layed by his legs on the way into the store! I just kept running in circles...grabbing paper towels, wiping (or smearing) up poop, rinsing off my hands, and doing it all over again.

After I cleaned Hudson up I laid a blanket on the bathroom floor and had no choice but to put Hudson there while I cleaned up his car seat. But he just laid there...kicking his legs and watching people walk in and out of the bathroom as if this was something we did on a regular basis. He didn't make a peep the entire time.

I finally got everything clean (mostly), though I wouldn't recommend visiting the ladies' restroom at nondisclosed Edmond Wal-Mart until the cleaning crew paid a visit. Hey, I did the best I could. Really.

Anyhow, we came home and Hudson took a nap and then he had a bath. Now, would you ever guess this little guy could make such a mess?


jessica said...

I'm glad it was with you instead of Chris. From what you tell us about him he would have flipped out having to lay him on the bathroom floor at Wally World.

Just when you think you've got things together those little stinkers do something like that!

Summer said...

Ha! Colton had a blow out like that on our way to Oklahoma one time. We had to pull over and pour water from our water bottles all over his butt and carseat to clean up the explosion.