Sleep Talking

Lucky you, my small but dedicated group of loyal blog readers. Two posts in one night! So, I was just wrapping up my post below. I'm at one end of the couch with my laptop and Chris is at the other end sleeping. Aw, how sweet. Anyway, sometimes Chris says the funniest things in his sleep, and if you attempt to answer or question what he's saying, he'll sometimes carry on a brief and insanely ridiculous conversation. Since Chris doesn't read my blog, I'll share tonight's riveting conversation.

Chris: "I saw you."

Me: "You saw me?"

Chris: "Yeah."

Me: "Where was I?"

Chris: "Uptown."

Me: "Uptown?"

Chris: "Yeah. You were upchucking."

And that's it. He's back sleeping. Really? Just to clarify, I have not been upchucking uptown lately. Now, about a year ago when I was prego with Hudson I upchucked work, at church, while driving down the interstate. But although I upchucked up to four or five times a day, I don't think I ever upchucked uptown.

Chris, on the other hand, probably upchucked uptown a lot in high school and his freshman year of college, and that wasn't because his body was the host for the most adorable little sea monkey. Of course I tamed his ornery ways. There will be no upchucking uptown as long as we're hooked up. (Which will be for forever, of course. He is, after all, my knight in shining hoodie.)


Mica said...

Oh my gosh! I was laughing so hard when I was reading this! How Funny!

Summer said...

That cracked me up!! How funny! Does Oklahoma City even have an uptown?