Can I have that problem back, please?

If you've read my previous post, you know work is a bit challenging now. You can also see that I'm trying to rest on God's promises and look to him for guidance and wisdom.

What's not so obvious (unless you work with me) is that the other half of the time I'm worrying, stressing, complaining, and frustrating about these situations.

I was discussing this with a co-worker today, and it turns out I'm not alone. She said, "I give it to God, and then I take it back, and then I give it to Him, and then 10 minutes later I take it back."

Yep, that's totally me.


Summer said...

Yep, I can relate to that too.

This morning I was thinking of the lyrics from a song we sing at GFA:
"Faith is a victory.
Faith is a victory.
Oh, glorious victory that overcame the world."

It helped to remind me that I just have to keep pressing on in faith and that just believing God and his promises is a victory in itself.