BRIEF Update

Lately my life has consisted of cleaning, laundry, work at work, work at home, clean some more, do some more laundry, work some more, oops house is all messy again...I cannot figure it out. I really try hard to keep my house up all the time, but I swear if I take one day off it's back to square one. Chris says its 90% me, but it's interesting to note when he's out of town the house stays very neat. Go figure.
I think it's been 2 1/2 weeks without TV now and I gotta say, I miss it, especially since it's too rainy to do anything outside. In fact, if I hadn't posted on this blog that we were going to try to go without TV for a month, I would have definitely caved by now. Thanks for the accountability. So now I'm thinking TV isn't so bad...I will just be more selective about what I watch and probably always keep it off when Hudson is awake (save for an an occassional kiddy video). It is a good experiment, though. I'd recommend everyone try it. It's a lot of thinking and quiet time, and it has helped me reflect on what I do watch and whether or not it aligns with what I want in my thoughts, in my head, etc. One Friday night Chris and I played Rummy. We would have never thought of doing that if we were watching TV. We had so much fun! It reminded me of our Alaskan cruise when we played cards on the days we were at sea. Ahhh. Now that was a relaxing vacation.
I need to post some pics of Hudson. That will be my next post. He's all better from the strep (even though the lab said no strep, we're gonna say strep because the antibiotics cleared him up pronto) and back to his happy self. His favorite thing to do is pick up a book and "read" it, which I LOVE. He will point and talk and turn the page and point. It's sooo cute. He has six teeth and he now can point to his nose (the kid is brilliant!). He calls just about everything a "gog" (dog) but also says "baby." His favorite word is Dada.
I think that's it for now. We're looking forward to a nice Mother's Day. Our church is having its baby dedication day on the same day, so it will be an extra special Mother's Day. My parents and sister's family will come up, and I'm going to make lasagna so we can just pop it into the oven after church. And this year's Mother's Day happens to be my sister's birthday as well so I'm making a homemade Italian creme cake which I have made before (but not for my family) and it's totally from scratch and delish.
Well, it's 10:46 p.m. and I have to get up a little after 5 a.m. tomorrow since I work. No wonder I'm always tired. But it's so hard to go to bed when I get a few minutes of alone time! I love my alone time, and there's just not much of that left anymore, which is fine; I just have to steal it from my sleep.


Summer said...

Way to go on keeping the TV off the last couple weeks. We don't watch regular TV exactly - we just watch shows we like online. You can really watch alot of cool shows that way with hardly any commercials and it's more purposeful (you can't just click on the TV and there it is).

It works for us. A good site is They have lots of shows and even a few movies you can watch for free.

Julie said...

Yes, actually I went there and did play a Veggietales movie for Hudson but he didn't pay any attention whatsoever so I just turned it off. I did browse the site though.