Hello, Old Friend

A familiar friend has returned this week with which I have a love-hate relationship. When it's around, my work is exciting and busy, school flies by and there's never a dull moment. When it's gone, I'm calm and relaxed, but then I often feel anxious, waiting for the next project or exciting adventure to appear. Who, or more appropriately, what is this old friend, you ask? Oh, you know it well, I'm sure. It's stress.

What's that old cliche? Can't live with it, can't live without it. Stress is often the motivating factor under which I complete time-sensitive work and school projects, but it's also that annoying thing that makes my shoulders and neck knot up, and if things are really crazy, it makes my heart feel like it's skipping beats (don't worry; had that checked out last year). Chris claims it even makes me cranky. Well, I'm not so sure about that...

School projects are cropping up, and one of my classes ends the very week I'll be in Salt Lake City helping to produce our company's annual conference. Right now I'm in the midst of writing the scripts for virtually every word that will be spoken on stage. Did I mention that this conference begins in two weeks, six days and 22 hours? But I love it! I love the way work gets chaotic and everyone is running in a million directions but we're all working toward the same goal. It's so rewarding to have the opportunity to have a hand in writing every script and speech that is delivered from the stage.

I love my job, and even though school is demanding and stressful, I really enjoy it too. If it wasn't for my Blogs class I wouldn't be doing this blog, and I really enjoy blogging. It's hasn't been easy taking classes over the past three years, but I have learned a lot, and I know I've benefited greatly from pursuing my masters degree.

It really isn't school, work, church or housework that's overwhelming. It's all of them combined. But I know that this too will pass. May will be here before I know it, and all this craziness will be a vague memory.

I also know that there are so many people in the world who would love school and work to be their biggest problems. So, for the comparatively little stress that I do have, I'll be thankful. My sister is expecting her first child in July (it will be the first grandchild in my family) and my dad recently said that instead of worrying about so many things, we should pray for a new set of fingers and toes. Now that helps put things in perspective.


jessica said...

Oh, Uncle Tommy is so sweet! That brought tears to my eyes. Your parents are going to be such sweet Grandparents.

Take it easy Annie! Tell Chris we feel for him.

So glad you had to start this blog!

Julie said...

Thanks for your post! They are going to be great grandparents. They've waited long enough! :)