
It's amazing how much we miss the little things in life when they disappear - especially without warning.

Such was the case yesterday morning after I got out of the shower. Just as I was about to begin drying my hair the electricity went out. Then it came back on. Then it went out again. And it was gone for good. I fumbled around for the lighter, the candles, the spotlight and the whiskey (just kidding) and used the oh-so-loved automated voice system to inform OG&E that I had no electricity. You gotta love a pre-recorded voice that informs you that, "All of our customer service representatives are busy serving other customers right now. For immediate assistance, please log onto our web site at" I would if I had POWER.

Long story short, I arrived to work resembling something between a drowned rat and a sea urchin and proceeded to finish drying my hair. Not exactly how you want to start your day, but thankfully the electricity was back on by the time I arrived home.

This morning I regretfully dragged myself out of bed and turned on my shower. Just as I stepped into the warm water - the water stopped running. But the electricity was still on. What was the deal?! And then it hit me. THE PIPES ARE FROZEN. On one of the coldest nights of the year, I forgot to leave our faucets dripping.

Sooo, I got dressed again, grabbed my trusty blow dryer and trudged outside and into the well house at 6:30 a.m. It took about 15 minutes, but my little Conair 1500 got the job done. For the second day in a row I was 20 minutes late for work, but at I was fully assembled when I arrived today.

Once again, thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.