Little Big Sister

Chris and I went to Bristow this weekend to visit my parents, grandparents and our family friends, the Hueys. No matter how hectic and busy our lives are, we always enjoy going to Bristow. We made the usual rounds, visiting with Mike and Elaine Huey and their parents who were in town, spending a good part of Saturday with my parents and Grandma Nellie who dropped by, and then going over to my other set of grandparents to visit with them. It was a typical weekend of eating and visiting, but the highlight by far was seeing my little sister.

My sister, Jenny, is three years younger than me. In the past 10 months she has gotten married, moved to Tulsa, gotten pregnant, graduated from college and started teaching (in that order). Talk about watching your sister grow up overnight! And now, before my very eyes, she's becoming a mother.

Jenny is now just past the four-month mark, and she's finally beginning to look pregnant. "Show me your belly!" is the first thing that came out of my mouth when she walked in the front door. I just couldn't stop staring at it. It's so weird but so fun to watch my "little" sister (and only sibling) have the first baby in our family. As the oldest, I've always been the one to experience all the firsts - first to ride a bike, drive a car, go to college, get married - so watching Jenny finally be first something, and especially at having a baby, is really quite fun.

Jenny has become quite the young woman, and as she gets a head start on motherhood, I'm looking forward to looking up to her for a change. And she's probably glad that pregnancy is one topic of which I have little knowledge, and therefore no authority to play "boss," as is my still accustomed older-sister role. Old habits do die hard, but this time I'm happy not to be first.


jessica said...

Oh! I can't wait to see Jenny and her little tummy. I wish she would start a blog so we could see her changes weekly. You think you could talk her into it?

Julie said...

Maybe now that she's feeling better!