Outside the Comfort Zone

Well, it's Day 1 in Salt Lake City, and as always on the travel day for conference we get to do a bit of sight-seeing. One co-worker suggested we go visit the Mormon Tabernacle located downtown, so we did. What we didn't realize was that if you're not Mormon, you don't get to go inside the actual temple, so it was more of a tour about the Mormon faith, it's history, and a soft sell by the Mormon folks.

There are a lot of young people there who are working their 18 months of volunteer work spreading the Mormon faith, and two of these young ladies served as our tour guides. After telling us about the history of their faith, they asked about ours. "What are your beliefs?" they asked. Three of us stood there for a second or two before we mumbled, "Christianity, Church of Christ, Charismatic Christianity, Non-denominational..." She wasn't familiar with any of the non-denominational denominations we blurted out.

"So...do you believe in prophets like we have today?" She was referring to Gordon B. Hinckley (current president of the Latter Day Saints) and the other Mormon prophets before him including Brigham Young and founder John Smith. "Uh..." we looked at each other and another co-worker managed to change the subject or redirect; I dropped to the back of the group.

Two things struck me about this little venture outside of our comfort zone today. One is the way these two young tour guides spoke with such conviction and passion about their faith. They were knowledgable and confident and so eager to share their beliefs. Regardless of the fact that to Christians many of their beliefs are terribly misguided, they stood firm in their faith and their excitement to share that faith with others.

The other and much more bothersome thing about my head-on encounter with this very different faith was how I lacked what these girls had. Have I ever shared my faith with complete strangers? Where would I begin? I certainly wouldn't want to offend anybody or make anyone uncomfortable. Do I speak with excitement and passion when talking about Christianity or what God has done for me lately? Have I spoken at all about what God has done for me lately?

I've grown up in the church all my life. I surround myself with people who share a similar faith, or at the very least don't disagree with mine. Hanging out with Christian family and friends has allowed me to stay within my comfort zone. I've never had to spout my beliefs and why I'm saved because no one has ever challenged me. And if I've seen a challenge coming, I've avoided it.

If I've learned anything today, it is that I need to stop relying on my church or my family to reiterate or outline Christianity for me. I must know it myself. I need to be able to tell others why Jesus is the reason for the hope that lies within me. And I need to be able to do it with confidence. With hope. And with passion.