Nursery Day

Every second Sunday of the month Chris and I work in the nursery at church with another adult and his teenage son. Our designated age group is around two years old, and this Sunday we had 11 kids! From when we check in at 10:15 to when the last child checks out at 11:50, we are four diaper-changing, nose-wiping, chaos-organizing maniacs. Our morning always goes something like this (note that names have been changed to protect the innocent):

"Good morning! Hi, how are you all doing? Oh, Suzy, you look so cute in your little skirt. Uh oh, somebody needs a Kleenex. Big blow. Is it normal for it to be green? Jimmy, sweetie, get down off the table. Feet on the floor, please. Ohhh, somebody smells dirty. Sam, are you dirty? No, it's not Sam. Jack, are you dirty? Ohmygosh I think I'm going to throw up. Found the dirty one! Okay, let's get you changed. Fifteen diaper wipes later. Okay! All clean. Don't you feel better? Must go wash hands immediately. Make mental note not to wear dry-clean only clothes when working nursery. Joe, honey, that's not your drink. Here's your drink. Adam, that's not your pacifier, honey. Here's your pacifier. You want your mommy? Your mommy will be here in just a minute! As in approximately 65 minutes."

And repeat the exercise above approximately five - six times.

Working in the nursery is exhausting to say the least, but it's fun. The kids already have such diverse and fun personalities, and it's so fun to watch them interact with each other. It also gives us a renewed respect for parents of toddlers. After the last child is picked up, Chris and I are exhausted. But for the parents of these kids, their day has just started. It makes me need a nap just thinking about it.


jessica said...

You're going to have to work on the fifteen wipes. I have it down to an art. Only two wipes per dirty bottom for me! You better start practicing they aren't cheap!

Julie said...

Believe me...I get plenty of practice in one Sunday a month :)

BaBbLiNg_BrOoKe said...

I was a teacher at my church for the 18 month to 2 year old class on sunday nights at my church so I can certainly relate to your comments. Little kids are great and it fun to see their different personalities forming (some more than others). I had the sweet ones, the spoiled ones, and one girl who was just a bully. I had them form 5:00 pm until 7:30 every sunday night. Quite an experience for me. I do look forward to having children one day WAY down the road so I guess nursery duty is great practice.